Acting upon a request from several sources, in November 2021 the ELCA Church Council authorized the development of an ELCA social message on climate care. Social messages are ELCA teaching documents that address a focused social topic. Drawing from existing social teaching, they provide theological rationale and social analysis to foster discernment and engagement on a relatively narrow social issue. This project was authorized in light of the grim contemporary situation affecting our global home and the need for fresh action on the part of this church. It draws its framing themes from several social statements, particularly Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice.
In line with standard ELCA protocol, the project is being shepherded by the ELCA Director for Theological Ethics, working with a lead writer in collaboration with a group of reviewers.
The draft social message is now available for public feedback! Read the social message draft here and then use this survey to share your input by Friday, December 2, 2022. (Draft can be found at:
The draft will be edited, guided by the feedback, and presented to the ELCA Church Council to be voted on this coming spring.